2nd Smart Irrigation Summit 2024

The 2nd Smart Irrigation Summit 2024 will be held on December 10th at Federation House, New Delhi, organized by the Irrigation Association of India and FICCI. The summit’s theme is “Micro Irrigation: Path to Achieving Water-Food-Energy Security,” focusing on the interconnected challenges of water, energy, and food security. It aims to promote innovative, resource-efficient irrigation solutions to address rising demands for food, water, and energy, while enhancing agricultural sustainability and resilience.

The event will gather experts, stakeholders, and innovators in irrigation to discuss transformative solutions and technological advancements in agricultural water management. Key objectives include fostering policy dialogue, encouraging smart irrigation technology adoption, and building partnerships across the irrigation sector.

Target attendees include government officials, micro irrigation and automation companies, agribusinesses, farmers, and water management professionals. Registration is free, but prior online registration is required.